What is ArtPrize?
Everyone needs times of connection and belonging. The thrill of being part of something bigger than ourselves. The jubilant intersection of creativity, fellowship, and wonder.
You've felt it before, right? We have too. And it's what we're all about.
For eighteen days, art is exhibited in galleries and storefronts. Parks and museums. In breweries and public spaces and Venues of all kinds.
As for the prize in ArtPrize, we award over $400,000 directly to artists through both popular and juried voting. In addition, we distribute over $200,000 in annual grants to support the ambitious work of eligible participating Artists.
Our roots reach back to 2009, and this year we're taking the best of what we've been—what you've loved—and merging it with new inspiration. Because through a new public/private partnership, this remarkable event for the community is now a remarkable event of the community.
This is everyone's ArtPrize. Let's make it awesome together.
A collaboration among The City of Grand Rapids, Downtown Grand Rapids, Inc. (DGRI), and Kendall College of Art and Design of Ferris State University (KCAD)